The shop is currently in beta. Please let us know if you experience any issues. Read more.



Two hardcover copies of The Shikoku Compendium laying stacked on top of each other

The wait is over…

The Shikoku

is now available worldwide 🥳

Learn about the Shikoku Ken’s history, breed standard, and much more in this comprehensive breed compendium by The Norwegian Nihon Ken Club.

Welcome to The Nihon Ken Shop

We’re excited to finally introduce The Nihon Ken Shop! Our goal is to become your go-to destination for products celebrating the six amazing native Japanese dog breeds: Shiba Inu, Akita Inu, Shikoku Ken, Kai Ken, Kishu Ken, and Hokkaido Ken.

While the shop is fully functional, we’re still in beta mode, which means there may be a few rough edges here and there. Please be patient with us, and let us know if you encounter any issues or have feedback for us. Read more about our beta here.

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